Meet Meredith

Back in 1999, I moved from Seattle to Spokane, Wa, where my husband, kids and I still live today. I took a job for $10 an hour

( I know right...) It was my first real corporate opportunity and I made the most of it.

Learning all of the in's and out's of finance, marketing, sales and operations. Over the next 13 years I leveled up my skills - specifically in business strategy, public relations, communication sales and marketing. I was blessed to make it to the executive level as VP of Marketing.

I loved my job and the company I worked for- the traditional 9-5 just wasn't working for our family. So when our son was born in 2012- I quit.

With no idea what my next step was going to be, I jumped into being a full time mom. That didn't last a hot minute. I love to work and I love business. And our lifestyle is two income. I knew there had to be a way to earn an income from home doing something I loved.

"I've helped salon owners,

videographers, massage therapists, direct sellers, network marketers,

coaches, authors and non profits

reach new levels of success.

No matter what kind of business you own, your success will be defined by

your vision, your offer, your message

and your systems."

Before I knew it, Banka Consulting was born. Since then, my passion and business have evolved.

Now I work with business owners and entrepreneurs to help them take the mystery out of marketing and learn to love how to share thier important work with the world.

I know the more people I help to realize their business dreams, the more families and communities will benefit. Your future success drives me every day. I can't wait to help you reach your goals!